From the Shores of Lake Jipe to Our Nairobi Nursery: The Journey of Taroha


Taroha, a young elephant calf, has traveled a long way since her rescue from the shores of Lake Jipe. Her journey, marked by resilience and hope, serves as a poignant reminder of the impact of conservation efforts on wildlife survival. Today, we share the remarkable story of this special elephant, whose journey began on March 2, 2023, when Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) rangers discovered her as a lone and vulnerable calf.

Found wandering alone near Lake Jipe, Taroha’s plight tugged at the heartstrings of those who encountered her. With no herd in sight and her survival uncertain, the decision was made to rescue her and provide the care she desperately needed. Thus began her journey to our Nairobi nursery, where she would find safety, companionship, and a chance at a brighter future.

Upon her arrival at the nursery, Taroha was greeted with warmth and compassion by our dedicated team of caregivers. Under their watchful eyes, she received round-the-clock care, including nutritious milk formula, medical attention, and emotional support to help her overcome the trauma of her early experiences.

As Taroha settled into her new surroundings, she began to thrive, forming bonds with her caretakers and fellow orphaned elephants. Through play and exploration, she learned the ways of elephant society, developing essential life skills and building the strength and resilience needed for her eventual return to the wild.

But Taroha’s journey was not without its challenges. Along the way, she faced setbacks and obstacles, confronting the harsh realities of human-wildlife conflict and habitat loss. Yet, through it all, she persevered, drawing strength from the love and care of those around her and the enduring spirit of hope that guided her path.

Today, Taroha stands as a symbol of resilience and renewal, a testament to the power of compassion and conservation in safeguarding the future of Kenya’s wildlife. Her journey serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting vulnerable species and preserving their natural habitats for generations to come.

As Taroha continues her journey towards reintegration into the wild, we remain committed to supporting her every step of the way, ensuring that she has the best possible chance at a life of freedom and dignity. And as we look to the future, we take comfort in knowing that Taroha’s story will inspire others to join us in our mission to protect and conserve Kenya’s precious wildlife heritage.

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